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there is a 5% chance that a chansey will be holding one.

you can find a chansey in the trophy garden at Pokemon mansion once you have obtained the national dex.

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Q: How do you get a lucky egg in Pokemon Diamond?
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What is the lucky egg action replay code for Pokemon diamond?

Lucky Egg x99994000130 fcff0000b21c4d28 00000000b0000004 0000000000000890 03e700e7d2000000 00000000hope this helps

How do you get a chansy with lucky egg on diamond?

5% of the time will you get a Lucky Egg.

What is a lucky egg in Pokemon sapphire?

A Lucky Egg is a held item that boosts the amount of EXP. the Pokemon holding the Lucky Egg gains.

How do you get a lucky egg in Pokemon Platinum?

Same as Pokemon Diamnd/Pearl. And heres a guy doing it on Pokemon diamond:

Where do you find the Manaphy egg in Pokemon pearl or diamond?

you get the manaphy egg in Pokemon rangers and send it into Pokemon diamond or pearl

Where do you get a lucky egg in diamond?

Wild Chansey sometimes have lucky eggs held.

Where do you get lucky egg in Pokemon pearl?

Players can only get the lucky egg in Pokemon Pearl from the wild Chanseys. Lucky eggs are very difficult to find in the game.

Where do you get a togetic in Pokemon Diamond?

You get a togepi egg in Pokemon Platinum, not Diamond.

Why does the lucky egg work for some Pokemon but not for others Does the Pokemon have to love you in Pokemon Pearl?

The lucky egg in Pokemon Pearl is not affected by the Pokemon holding it. However, if one Pokemon were traded, and one were holding a lucky egg, they would receive the same EXP for defeating the same foe. In addition, if that traded Pokemon were holding a lucky egg, it would receive both boosts. You may want to confirm that you are not using an Egg Stone, which is used to evolve Happiny.

What does the lucky egg do on Pokemon XD?

Well a lucky egg is sort of like a exp booster. I went on a website telling me that if you got the lucky egg and went to SunyShore city in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl and fight one of the fishermen there and you'll get 11,000 exp points.

In Pokemon diamond What is a lucky egg?

A Lucky Egg is an item that can usually be found attached to wild Chansey as a held item, the Lucky Egg item once you let a Pokémon of your choice hold the Lucky Egg item and they participate in a Pokémon battle regardless of whether it's a wild Pokémon battle or a Trainer Battle then the Pokémon in question holding the Lucky Egg item will have their experience points increased to 15% more of the experience that it otherwise would have earned.

How do you transfer the egg in Pokemon rangers to Pokemon Diamond?

Have two Nintendo DS one have the Pokemon Ranger and one with the Pokemon Diamond. Then go to check egg. Then you have it.