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go to the plant talk to everyone, then go in cerulean gym and when the grunt runs away he's going to be on nugget bridge, battle him, then go back to the gym and find the missing peice, and then go to return it. you'll get the TM for charge beam.

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Q: How do you fix the powerplant in Pokemon SoulSilver?
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the powerplant

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go to the powerplant and he is outside.good luck

How do you found the powerplant Pokemon SoulSilver?

rock tunle surf down and there

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Zapados is located for capture at the Kanto Powerplant.

How do you complete the powerplant thing in Pokemon SoulSilver?

beat all voltorbs ( or they are electrodes, whatever)

How do you fix the generator in the powerplant in Pokemon soulsilver?

you go to the gym in curelian city and you chase the team rocket grunt to the cape and battle him and he'l tell you where it isyou enter the power station

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Return the missing part to the Powerplant He will then let you in

How do you get the 14 gym badge in Pokemon SoulSilver?

fix up the kanto powerplant and u'll have all the music. find the pokeflute music and go east of vermillion and you'll find a snorlax. kill it and you can go thru digglet cave and you can get the pewter badge.

How do you fix your game from freezing in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you can't. send it back for a refund.

Where is Zapdos in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you go to cerulean city and head east until you come to a strip of water then surf down to the powerplant and on the left side of the building is Zapdos.

Where is the traine in Pokemon Gold?

In golden rod city and saffaron city. only avalible after you beat the E4 and fix the powerplant in the kanto region.