If the pokewalker gets wet I will try and take the battery out and dry it as much as i can, I am not that positive it will still work but hopefully it will.
wait a day without touching it does not matter in light or not that is how i fixed my ds yesterday
By unlocking the pokewalker route
You can't put a Pokemon in the pokewalker in Pokemon platinum, as the pokewalker was designed for only Pokemon Heartgold & Soulsilver.
You do not need a Pokewalker to trade Pokemon. The DS has built-in wireless communications. The DS does not need the Pokewalker to trade Pokemon.
To reset your PokeWalker status, on the screen where you have 3 choices, go for a stroll, return from a stroll, and receive a gift, press 'l' while holding 'down' and 'x'. More information is in the HG/SS instruction booklet.
wait a day without touching it does not matter in light or not that is how i fixed my ds yesterday
Fix a wet area on yard
maybe if you put it in a bag of dry rice because the dry rice will suck the moisture out
You cant get pokewalker in soulsilver when you buy it you get it at gamestop in the box is the pokewalker
Blow dry it.
You unscrew the original back of the pokewalker OFF of the pokewalker, then replace it with the back with the clip.
there are 27 areas in the pokewalker.
By unlocking the pokewalker route
To get the Pokewalker, you have to buy the game that goes with it (because otherwise, the Pokewalker is useless), which is either Pokemon HeartGold or SoulSilver.
You can't remove courses from the pokewalker.
Go to the dowsing on the pokewalker menu and get lucky!