try to rest your wii or just go to game stop to get it fixed
put it in the freezer for 30 seconds then wipe it with a soft cloth
The first Wii game wasWii Sports witch comes with the game console.
maybe you should get plain white tooth paste and use warm water then rub it with a towel
There is no fix for this, you bricked your wii.. this is a recent discovery while installing injected VC games
try to rest your wii or just go to game stop to get it fixed
put it in the freezer for 30 seconds then wipe it with a soft cloth
Disconnect the nunchuck then reconnect it.
fix it or sell it and buy a new one
Is your wii connected probably did you put the game in right are sure the game is not scratched or dirty, try to fix all these problems and then retry to play if it still doesn't work you may need a new wii or new copy of the game.
any game is the WII game dumb ***. The first game was WII sports, the second was WII play.
The first Wii game wasWii Sports witch comes with the game console.
There is no Minecraft game for Wii.
maybe you should get plain white tooth paste and use warm water then rub it with a towel
There is no fix for this, you bricked your wii.. this is a recent discovery while installing injected VC games
No, the game Wii-Play comes with the Wii console.
Wii doesn't play CDs.