There is no fix for this, you bricked your wii.. this is a recent discovery while installing injected VC games
Use savemii
Call Nintendo. My wii had the same problem, and they shipped and fixed my wii for free. ! PS, the game I had trouble with was super smash bros brawl ------ my wii had the same problem with the same game, but it wouldn't recognise ANY games i put in, and my warrenty expired so i might have 2 get a new one PS. your warrenty still has to be good for Nintendo to fix it for free i believe
you just press the sync button on both wii remote and the wii itself at same time
The Jonas Brothers do play the Nintendo Wii! :-D I <3 Joe Jonas!
try turning off your firewall on your main network. it often causes trouble due to blocking connections with the wii
There is no fix for this, you bricked your wii.. this is a recent discovery while installing injected VC games
Wii doesn't play CDs.
you cant get the shooting star unless you meen getting a invinsible star or you have rosalina with Luna bit on mariokart wii you have to be in about 10th to get the item of the star
If you have allready asked Nintendo about the warrenty. Check for: > ALKILINE Batteries >Any damage to the sensor bar or controler >Try to use another wii controler, if the other one sychs,its the controller.
if your wii can't download then theres probalbly a problem with it get your wii looked at.
pee on it and it will be fixed
Try redownloading them.
Use savemii