The only way to get a Monferno is to either choose chimchar as your starter at the beginning of the game and evolve it or to trade for one over Wi-Fi connection.
You either choose a monferno for your starter. Or if you choose a turtwig as your starter your rival will have monferno.And you can find it in south on route 212 and ranger jeffery will have it. That is all the way you can see monferno in pokemon platinum.
There is no wild Monferno.You can only get Monferno by picking Chimchar as your starter and evolving it.
Monferno evolves into an Infernape at level 36.
On route 215 there are two trainers, Dennis and Maya. During the double battle, Dennis will send out a Monferno. Also if you started off with a Turtwig, your rival will have a Monferno in his party
Chimchar evolves at Level 14 to Monferno. Monferno evolves at Level 36 to Infernape
You have to evolve chinchar at level 14.
You either choose a monferno for your starter. Or if you choose a turtwig as your starter your rival will have monferno.And you can find it in south on route 212 and ranger jeffery will have it. That is all the way you can see monferno in pokemon platinum.
There is no wild Monferno.You can only get Monferno by picking Chimchar as your starter and evolving it.
if you want a monferno, then, you can trade for one OR you can get him as a starter chimpchar and just evolve him! (but that's only at the start of the game!)
You have to choose Chimchar at the start of the game when Professor Rowan gives you your first Pokemon and evolve it into Monferno OR fight your rival throughout the game. He will have a Monferno about halfway through the game if you chose Turtwig as your start Pokemon.
Monferno evolves into an Infernape at level 36.
In Pokemon Platinum, Monferno evolves when you reach level 36. The character it evolves into is Infernape. Monferno itself evolved from a Chimchar at Level 14.
Choose Turtwig as your starter!
On route 215 there are two trainers, Dennis and Maya. During the double battle, Dennis will send out a Monferno. Also if you started off with a Turtwig, your rival will have a Monferno in his party
There is no way to find Monferno. The only way to acquire it is to do the beginning event and choose Chimchar then evolve it
in diamond and pearl and platinum you can choose chimchar as your starter Pokemon and if you train it to level 16 it will become a monferno.