ok, missingno the glitch Pokemon has been in almost all of pkmn games and i know how to get it without game freezing.
step 1: buy action replay from GameStop. sells it for 15$ i think or in that frame.
step 2: type in pkmn platinum code Pokemon modifier you can download cool cheats from codes junkys or you could type in codes from Google or YouTube.
step 3: when you get the 493 master balls you might want to put it two zero but there are two kinds of missingno. missingno that no. is zero will freeze your game. missingno that no. are 494 will look like a egg and will be level 0 with splash that wont freeze your game.
step 4: go into the tall grass and catch it.
step 5: don't put it in the gts or every time you go in it will always say camunication was lost. then in about a month your game will say in any random time in the day "data could not be read. please remove cart and and refresh game. when you do that the game will say the same thing. that means that the missingno just rewrote the internal code of the game and the matrix of the harddrive and the ds does not know this virus data in the game because missingno got its hex data mixed with the data in the heart of the data (witch is eather distortion world or gts). so if i were you would not put this in the gts, it probably gets pissed in there because you don't want it lol. i had to learn the hard way for my pearl game. but at least i have my platinum.
Use the Pokemon modifier and enter an envalid #.U should get missingno.
Missingno is a glitch in the Pokemon series. It cannot be gotten rid of. Once it is in your game, it will be there forever.
Missingno is a glitch and cannot be found with a code
While it was possible to find missingno. in Red version, it is not possible to find it in FireRed.
No. Missingno is a glitch pokemon found in pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow.
Use the Pokemon modifier and enter an envalid #.U should get missingno.
Missingno is a glitch in the Pokemon series. It cannot be gotten rid of. Once it is in your game, it will be there forever.
Missingno is a glitch and cannot be found with a code
you can't find it on platinum it's only in the old games but you could see a missingno. but with ar and the code level Pokemon modifier.
While it was possible to find missingno. in Red version, it is not possible to find it in FireRed.
There is no missingno anymore.
i don't think that u can get it
MissingNo stands for Missing Number in Pokemon.
Missingno., the glitch Pokemon from Red, Blue and Yellow versions, is a very strange Pokemon. If you capture it, you will find that it's type is 'Bird' - which may allude to Flying-type Pokemon. While 'Bird' is not an official Pokemon type, it is appropreate to Missingno. as the Pokemon is unofficial itself.
Same way as in red and blu
No. Missingno is a glitch pokemon found in pokemon Red, Green, Blue, and Yellow.
Missingno is a glitch in the Pokemon games made infamous from its appearance in Pokemon Red and Blue. Missingno is created when the game is glitched into creating a Pokemon from old scrapped data on the cartridge. This is very rare to do though and normally impossible to do during a normal playthrough of the game.