The pokeflute doesn't exist in your radio you can tune into a pokeflute channel.
trade from Ruby/Sapphir trade from Ruby/Sapphir trade from Ruby/Sapphir trade from Ruby/Sapphir
there is no cerulean cave in ruby
In the game Pokemon ruby destiny
no where
you cant unless you have cheat codes and i dont think there is one for dexoyes yet.
You can find it on Route 224, in Victory Road, and at the Battle Frontier.
Yes, they can.
You can find one at Route 210 (with Dowsing Machine), Route 228, and Iron Island.
he tripped on a pokeomon
On the way to Solaceon town from hearthome city, there is a fisherman. If you talk to the fisherman and say yes, you get a good rod.
South of Hearthome City.
you cant find him in Pokemon ruby instead you find may.
You can only get Treeko as a starter in Pokemon Emerald.
Pokemon ruby's version IS Pokemon ruby.