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there is no cerulean cave in ruby

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Q: Where to find cerulean cave in ruby version?
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Where to find Mewtwo in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Go to Cerulean Cave. To get there, you must get the ruby and the sapphire and get the national dex.

How do you enter celulean cave?

You have to firs beat elite 4. The cave will open up in Cerulean. Enter the cave, use flash, and navigate your way through. Find MEWTWO and catch him. Cerulean cave is not available in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.

How do you get mew two on ruby?

no you cant but in leafgreen it have at cerulean cave..

How can you get to the cerulean cave in Pokemon ruby?

That cave is only in the kanto region not in the hoenn region.

How to get in Cerulean Cave in Pokemon Fire Red Version and or LeafGreen?

Cerulean Cave is inaccessible until you defeat the Elite 4 and defeated the team rocket ware house in the sevii islands. Once both the ruby and the sapphire have been returned to Celio, the cave will be made accessible to the player.

How do you get in cerulean cave?

first u have to beat the elite four and get the ruby and Sapphire then you can get into the cave to catch mewtwo

How do you get a wabbofet in Pokemon pearl?

Unlock cerulean cave by getting the ruby and sapphire on the islands, then give them to bill's friend on island one. Then you can catch wabbofet in cerulean cave.

How do you get to mew two in the cerulean cave?

first u must get the ruby and sapphire from the six islands and beat the elite four to find the ruby and Sapphire search it up in Google

How do you get into ceerlaun cave in Pokemon LeafGreen?

AnswerIn order to get in Cerulean cave, you need to have done the following:Beaten the Elite FourGotten the Elite FourGiven Celio the Ruby and SapphireWhen you have done all this you can get in Cerulean Cave where you find Mewtwo.required abilities: surfTo get there, go north from Cerulean past the bridge, turn left, surf south, surf west, and enter!you beat the elite 4 then give the ruby and sapphire to the guy bill introduced you to

How do you get Mewtwo in ruby?

You can't find Mewtwo in Pokémon Ruby. However, you can find it in another game and then trade. If you'd like to do this, you can find Mewtwo in the Cerulean Cave in the FireRed/LeafGreen game. In other generation games, Mewtwo can also be found in the Cerulean Cave in HeartGold/SoulSilver and in the Unknown Dungeon in X/Y.

How do you go in the cave of Mewtwo?

YOU can enter the cerulean cave if you give the ruby and sappire gem to cielo sorry about the wrong spelling