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Q: How do you fight team rocket in Pokemon platnom?
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Where do you go to fight team rocket in celedan city?

Near the Pokemon centre.

How do you get to team rocket in Pokemon Red?

go to the game corner and fight the grunt guarding the poster

Can you join team rocket on Pokemon Diamond?

You can't join team rocket in Pokemon diamond. Actually team rocket is not on the game

Where is Team rocket in Pokemon Pearl?

In Pokemon Pearl Team Rocket aren't the villains, Team Galactic are.

How do you beat team rocket in the warehouse in goldenrod?

umm. you have good leveled pokemon. and you fight them till they die!

How do you catch a Porygon in soul silver?

you have to put in the code to get trainer Pokemon and then fight a team rocket sceintist and he has it :)

How do you get the lift key in Pokemon FireRed?

fight the team rocket grunt in the corner and he'll drop it so you can get it

What are team rocket's name in Pokemon?

well there name is team rocket but most of them are ,rocket grunts,

Is team rocket in the Pokemon tower in FireRed Pokemon?

Yes, Team Rocket is on the top floor of the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town.

Don't fight team rocket at altering cave?

No,you will not fght againts Team Rocket in there.

At mount ember team rocket won't fight you?

you have to catch sixty pokemon. talk to oak. and then talk to the guy on one island named celio. then they will fight you

Where do you find Team Rocket after you defeat them in the Ice Cave in Pokemon?

Team Rocket's Warehouse