TNT can be ignited by using a Flint and Steel on it, or providing charge via a switch (lever, pressure plate, etc) or by an active redstone current.
I assume you mean TNT. All you have to do is hit it.
If you mean classic (Which I think you do) It wasn't made to explode (as is: It can't)
you can with different of stuff eg: lava, fire charge like those thing. You can redstone power to set off a TNT
The previous way to explode TNT was by punching it. However, you can also make the TNT explode by placing it near lava (a timely manner to explode it), clicking on it with flint and steel, or any contact with fire. If you were not in classic, it could also be ignited by Redstone or fire charge or even a fire arrow (assuming you have the latest version of Minecraft). In the related links below, I have listed the wiki article for TNT.
The ID (code) for TNT in Minecraft is 46.
I assume you mean TNT. All you have to do is hit it.
There's currently no way.
If you mean classic (Which I think you do) It wasn't made to explode (as is: It can't)
you can with different of stuff eg: lava, fire charge like those thing. You can redstone power to set off a TNT
The previous way to explode TNT was by punching it. However, you can also make the TNT explode by placing it near lava (a timely manner to explode it), clicking on it with flint and steel, or any contact with fire. If you were not in classic, it could also be ignited by Redstone or fire charge or even a fire arrow (assuming you have the latest version of Minecraft). In the related links below, I have listed the wiki article for TNT.
If TNT explodes while in water it will not destroy blocks but will damage any mobs (players, animal or monsters) in the blast radius.
They should have updated it by now to have the Flint and steel
Not without a mod. 303 Arrows mod is good for what you are looking for but I think it is outdated
If you put TNT in a dispenser then activate the dispenser with a redstone current, the TNT will be dispensed already primed and will explode shortly afterwards. This is useful for making automatically reloading cannons and some traps.
The ID (code) for TNT in Minecraft is 46.
Creepers explode because they are made out of tnt and when you agrivate them, the cause the tnt to "ignite". When the creeper gets agrivated they then explode and resultly kill them selves from the explosion. The damage creepers do are usually depending on the distance you are from the creeper. I hope i helped! :D
Well there can be tnt.