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You have to trade if for a karrablast

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Q: How do you evolve shelmet in accelgor in Pokemon white?
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What level does shelmet evolve in Pokemon White?

Shelmet do not evolve by level in Pokemon White. Shelmet evolve into accelgor when traded for karrablast if neither the shelmet nor the karrablast is holding an everstone.

Where do you get accelgor in Pokemon Black and White?

You get an Accelgor when you trade Karrablast for Shelmet. After both arrive, they will evolve, into Accelgor and Escavalier.

What Nintendo DS game Pokemon white or black is the Pokemon Shelmet in?

shelmet is in both games. trade shelmet with karrablast to get accelgor and escaveler

When does shelmet evolve in Pokemon white?

Shelmet evolves into Accelegor when you trade Shelmet for a Karrablast.

How do you evolve karrablast on Pokemon white?

You trade it for a Shelmet, both will evolve when they arrive.

How do you get accelgor in Pokemon white?

You have to trade a Shelmet (found in Iccirus City, Moor of Iccirus, Route 8) for a Karrablast (found in Routes 6 and 11). The Shelmet evolves into Accelgor, and the Karrablast evolves into a Escalvier, provided neither of the two is holding an Everstone.

How do you evolve karrablast in Pokemon Black and White?

It doesnt evolve by level You MUST trade karrablast for SHELMET then it will evolve , shelmet will evolve too into Accelgor then trade back to get Escavalier (best to do it with a friend)

How do you evolve karrablast in Pokemon white?

It evolves into Escavalier through trade with Shelmet

What pokemon evolve when traded on pokemon white?

Onix holding a metal coat,Karablast trade with Shelmet will evolve too.Thats all I know.

How do yo evolve a karraplast in pokemon white?

Just trade with another shelmet and they will both evolve then just trade back

Where do you find a accelgor in Pokemon White?

You have to trade a pokemon to get accelgor. I can't remember the pokemon, though.

How do you evolve karablast in Pokemon White?

Karrablast can be found on Route 6 or Route 11. Trade for Shelmet for super evolution surprise!