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give magmar a magmarizer and do gt

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Q: How do you evolve magmar without trading it?
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How do you evolve Magmar on Pokemon Soul Silver without trading?

You can use a cheat. Otherwise, there is no way.

What Pokemon evolve without trading?

All of Pokemon evolve without trading EXCEPT- Kadabra Dusclops Electabuzz Haunter Graveler Clamperl Seadra Machoke Magmar Poliwhirl Porygon & 2 Rhydon Scyther Slowbro Onix The list of Pokemon can evolve with trading.

What lvl does magmar need to evolve into magmotar?

magmar dosent evolve by level it evolves by giving it a magmarizer (i think that is what it is called) and then trading it.

How do you elvole your magmar?

You can evolve a Magmar in Diamond, Pearl and Platinum by trading it while it's holding a Magmarizer. However, Magmar cannot evolve in Pokemon firered and Leafgreen.

What is the magmarizer used for in Pokemon white?

The magmarizer enables you to evolve Magmar into Magmortar by making Magmar holding it and then trading.

What level does magmor evolve?

Magmar does not evolve by level, but by trading it to another player while it is holding a magmarizer. It will evolve into a magmortar.

How do you evolve magma?

If it is "Magmar" you are refering to. Then the answer you are looking for is: Let it hold a "Magmariser" while trading it.

Can magmar evolve without a magmorizer on Pokemon soulsilver?


How does a Magmar evolve?

To evolve magmar you have to trade him

How do you evovle magmar?

you get a magmarizer and give i to a mag mar or use it on a mag mar

How do you evolve boldore without trading?

There is no legitimate way to evolve it without trading.

How do you evolve magmar in Pokemon black?

give your magmar a magmirizer and trade with it to get the evolve form of magmar.