Magmar does not evolve at any specific level. Magmar evolves when traded with a magmorizer. Magmar will evolve into a Magmortar if you trade it to someone else while it's holding a magmorizer.
you trade it with a magmarizer
Your Aron will evolve at level 32 into Lairon.
Magmar doesn't evolve in Pokemon Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Silver, Gold, Crystal, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, or GreenLeaf. It can only evolve in the newer Pokemon games.
Level 25.
Magby evolves at level 30 and into magmar
you trade it with a magmarizer
Level 30 into magmar
A Magmar level 54, a Macargo level 54, and a Rapidash level 59.
Magby evolves into Magmar at Level 30.
Magby requires Level 30 to evolve into Magmar and then trade it while holding the Magmarizer to evolve Magmar into Magmortar in Pokemon Diamond/Pearl. Magby can be found on Route 227 in Pokemon Diamond.
graveler doesnt evolve at a level, you evolve it by trading.
Level 20.
Level 55
level 30
level 28
Level 18