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You just have to level him up to level 14 to get Monferno .

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Q: How do you evolve chimchar in the beginning of the game?
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Where can you get a Infernape on Pokemon platinum?

You have to evolve a Chimchar, which you can get at Professor Rowan's Lab at the beginning of the game. Chimchar evolves into Monferno at level 14. Monferno evolves into Infernape at level 36

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you cant see a chimchar in Pokemon diamond so you are saying that no trainer in the game has a chimchar

How do you get Infernape on platinum?

Either pick Chimchar at the beginning and evolve it up or maybe use an action replay.

How do you find monferno in Pokemon platinum?

The only way to get a Monferno is to either choose chimchar as your starter at the beginning of the game and evolve it or to trade for one over Wi-Fi connection.

When will Chimchar evolve?

Chimchar will evolve into Monferno at level 14, then Infernape at level 36.

What is the monkey Pokemon from plantnum?

Chimchar is a starter pokemon you can get in the beginning of the game.

When do the 3 starters of pearl evolve?

At the beginning of the game. If you chose piplup or turtwig your starter should be evolved after the badge from roark. But chimchar can evolve early so evolve it into monferno then fight the leader roark! discrediting the useless answer above...they evolve ant lvls 15-17 and 35-37

Will ash's buziel chimchar starvair and grotle evolve?

Yes, Buizel will evolve into Floatzel, Chimchar will evolve into monferno, Staravia will evolve into starviraptor, and grotle will evolve into tortera.

What level does chimchar evolve on in soul silver?

Chimchar will evolve into Monferno at Level 14, and Monferno will evolve into Infernape at Level 36.

Will chimchar ever evolve in Pokemon DP?

Yes, Chimchar WILL evolve at lv. 16. Just train it.

Which stone does chimchar need to Evolve?

Chimchar does not need a stone to evolve, it evolves at level 14 into Monferno.

How do you get chimchar on Pokemon pearl?

either choose chimchar as your starter at the beginning, or trade from another game. you could also try the GTS.