you have to trade it back and forth with another trainer to evolve it
Haunter doesn't evolve at any level to evolve your haunter you need to do a link trade with a friend and he he will then evolve
He evolves at lv.21 he evolves at lv.21in every other game too after gastly evolves into haunter trade him to make him evolve into gengar.
Dunsparce does not evolve.
You evolve it into Haunter at Level 25. To evolve Haunter into a Gengar, you need to trade it.
You can't evolve magneton in soul silver. You can only evolve it by trading it back to Diamond or Pearl and training it at Mt. Coronet.
Haunter evolves into gengar once you trade him.
Gastly evolves into Haunter at Lv25.
haunter does
Haunter can only be evolved into Gengar via Trading (such is the case in all Pokemon titles that include Haunter, not just Silver).
Haunter can be found on Route 8 or in the Safari Zone.
You use a haunter
Haunter is one of a few Pokemon that needs to be traded to evolve. A list of a few others Graveler, Machoke, Kadabra. Those are just off the top of my head. But you will need to trade it to a friend and have them trade it back.
When you trade him/her like in all other generations.
You have to trade it to an other game for it to evovle.
Haunter doesn't evolve at any level to evolve your haunter you need to do a link trade with a friend and he he will then evolve
He evolves at lv.21 he evolves at lv.21in every other game too after gastly evolves into haunter trade him to make him evolve into gengar.