Eevee evolves into Vaporeon (the water version) with a water stone.
You use a water stone on your Eevee.
The Pokemon that evolve using a water stone: Eevee Starmie Lombre Poliwhirl, too...
Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu, Eevee, and Lombre all evolve with a water stone.
Eevee does not naturally evolve. If you want to evolve it you need either a water stone, a fire stone, or a thunder stone. To obtain these stones you can buy them in the Pokemart in Celadon City. With a water stone, Eevee will evolve into a Vaporeon (water type). With a fire stone, Eevee will evolve into a Flareon (fire type). With a thunder stone, Eevee will evolve into a Jolteon (electric type).
Its evolve to Vaporeon from eevee
You use a water stone on your Eevee.
The Pokemon that evolve using a water stone: Eevee Starmie Lombre Poliwhirl, too...
A water stone
The pokemon that evolve via water stone are: poliwhirl, eevee, shellder, staryu, and lombre.
well you can evolve eevee with a thunder stone,a water stone,a fire stone hope i helped
Water stones evolve: -Eevee -Lombre -Poliwhirl -Shellder -Staryu -Panpour
Poliwhirl, Shellder, Staryu, Eevee, and Lombre all evolve with a water stone.
an eevee, if given a water stone, will evolve into a vaporeon. sorry, but im not sure where you can find an eevee..
an Eevee, use a water stone on it to evolve it into a vaporeonEevee into VaporeonPoliwhirl into PoliwrathLombre into LudicoloShellder into CloysterStaryu into Starmie
A Water Stone evolves the following pokemon:Poliwhirl to evolve into Poliwrath.Shellder to evolve into Cloyster.Staryu to evolve into Starmie.Eevee to evolve into Vaporeon.Lombre to evolve into Ludicolo.Panpour to evolve into Simipour.
Eevee does not naturally evolve. If you want to evolve it you need either a water stone, a fire stone, or a thunder stone. To obtain these stones you can buy them in the Pokemart in Celadon City. With a water stone, Eevee will evolve into a Vaporeon (water type). With a fire stone, Eevee will evolve into a Flareon (fire type). With a thunder stone, Eevee will evolve into a Jolteon (electric type).