press up select and b together
Chat with our AI personalities have to go to the screen where it says "POKEMON PEARL press start" 2. then press up, select, and b all together. you will be able to delete your saved game.
Hold: Up on the key pad + select + B on the title screen to erase the current profile
On the start screen, press the button combination UP+SELECT+B. This will prompt an erase data screen.
I am sorry to say, but any pokemon black or white pokemon cannot be found or traded in any way to any of the other games. This is because the games such as pokemon diamond, pearl and platinum have different game data and were created before the new pokemon like reshiram and zekrom were. So the game data cannot load the brand-new pokemon into them. I am sorry.
take your game card out and blow on the botom of the back side of the game card. Then insert it again. have to go to the screen where it says "POKEMON PEARL press start" 2. then press up, select, and b all together. you will be able to delete your saved game.
1. if you make a new game and save, you will erase your previous game.
just go into your data managment where all your games get saved and erase the saved data and you will be able to start a new game.
Sorry, whatever character you chose in the beginning stays with you until the very end. You could restart the game and choose again, but that would erase all of your data.
Hold: Up on the key pad + select + B on the title screen to erase the current profile
you just have to press L+Up+B+select
On the start screen, press the button combination UP+SELECT+B. This will prompt an erase data screen.
Try reinserting your Pokemon pearl game. If that doesn't work there may be something wrong with your game and you should speak to the Nintendo repair service about it.
Yes, you can, there's really no reason you wouldn't be able to.
Press Select + Up + B on the Start Screen to erase all save data.
Look in the instruction book and it should give you a code to erase your data.