Hold: Up on the key pad + select + B on the title screen to erase the current profile
1.you have to go to the screen where it says "POKEMON PEARL press start" 2. then press up, select, and b all together. you will be able to delete your saved game.
Piplup is a starter Pokemon in Pokemon Pearl. you can get him early in the game as your starter Pokemon.
To delete a game file for any Pokemon game, you need to press Up on the control pad, then Select, then the B button. Hope I helped! it dont work if you want to delete in laptop first make a folder and keep all the pokemon game stuff in it the in that folder you will see a search bar on top right.In that search the game name like pearl, heartgold, etc. the you will see the related search there will be a blank page named as Pokemon pearl.dsv or ds1 and etc. and delete all the dsv and dsv and ds1, etc. and the name could be anything like Pokemon diamond.dsv or Pokemon heartgold.dsv. the will be the same as you write on the search bar. hope i helped.
you cant...
i have no idea so delete the question i have no idea so delete the question i have no idea so delete the question
Start new game
Press up, select and B on the title screen:)
It can delete your account if you turn your game off at the wrong time. There is no other way to clone pokemon, unless you have action replay.
To delete a save file and start a new game you have to hold up, select and then B and you will be given the option to delete your previous save file.
You can't delete a key item!
you don't need to cheat on the game go to a PC then click on the Pokemon you can store or relase the Pokemon
Unlike past Pokemon games, you have to delete you existing save file before you can save a new game. You can do that by holding Up+Select+B on the title screen (where it says Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl) Deleting the save takes a minute or two
1.you have to go to the screen where it says "POKEMON PEARL press start" 2. then press up, select, and b all together. you will be able to delete your saved game.
I think you hold up, select, and B on the title screen. The game will tell you what to do if you select 'new game'.
Pokemon Pearl's game ID is APAE-31D0AFDE.
press up select and b at the same time or it L select and b
Simply choose save and say yes to all questions.