Yes It Will . It Will Always Appear Until You Erase The Code .
go to new game and do what it says then you will erase your game
If you want to erase a save file on Pokemon Platinum, while in your game, try to save on the game that you are playing. If you already have a save file, it will tell you how to erase your save file. Keep checking back, and I can figure out a better way.Thanks, and enjoy!-PocketFroggys (with help of TurtwigPrinplups)
press up select and b together
If you erase your Pokemon file on any Pokemon game it is impossible to bring it back.
in the bum
They disappear forever.
it tells you how
You can release it while holding it in the p.c. box.
That is a stupid question
With B and select
you have to find the man that deletes any move
click new file
start a new game