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You can enchant items with an Enchanting Table.

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Q: How do you enchant things on Minecraft?
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Can you enchant in minecraft Xbox?

i dont think so

Can i have a list of all the stuff you can enchant in minecraft?

You can enchant bows, swords, picks, axes, swords, and all pieces armour.

How do you get silk touch in minecraft pe?

You can't enchant stuff in PE.

How do you enchant a shovel with knockback in minecraft?

Use an anvil in creative mode.

How do you enchant your bow with flame in minecraft?

Enchanted Book or Encantment Table.

How do you enchant things in minecraft?

To enchant items in Minecraft, you will have to create an enchantment table first. To make it, you will need 4 pieces of obsidian, 2 diamonds, and a book. You will need to put 3 obsidian on the bottom row, 1 obsidian in the middle, 1 diamond on the left and right, and a book on the top.<(0_0<)(>0_0)>

Can you enchant stuff on Minecraft Xbox?

No, enchanting tables have not yet been added to Minecraft Xbox 360 edition.

Can you Enchant items in Creative Mode on Minecraft?

As of the latest update, you do not need XP levels to be able to enchant in creative. That's because you can't gain levels in creative anyway.

How do you get the fire aspect in Minecraft?

you must enchant a tool but it might not be fire aspect all the time.

How do you get better enchantments on Minecraft?

the more bookshelves you have, the higher the enchantment, and the more levels you enchant it with, the better it will be.

Why can't you enchant anything in minecraft?

You probably don't have enough experience levels for whatever you're trying to enchant. Each enchantment has a cost, if it says 12, it costs 12 levels.

How do you put on a spell on minecraft?

If you are asking about enchantments, you have to build an enchantment table first. Then, you can enchant weapons and armor