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First of all you need an Enchanting Table, which can be made by, in a crafting table, on the first row middle slot put one book, on the second row put diamond/obsidian/diamond and on the bottom row put obsidian/obsidian/obsidian like this:




= is nothing

D is diamond

O is obsidian.

Once you have an Enchanting Table, take a crafted items but only things such as tools or weapons. This is the list:

any type of:



hoes [the farming kind]




chestplates [includes chainmail]



*I may have missed some

*excluding items such as the fishing rod, bow, arrows, sheers, etc.

As far as I can remember that is all you can enchant currently as of 1.0.0.

to enchant your item, open the Enchanting Table screen after placing by right-clicking, then put your item in the slot on the left above your inventory. The enchanting number is random, but can be made higher by placing bookshelves within two blocks [leaving a one block space] of the Enchanting Table.

You need experience to enchant items which can be achieved by killing mobs and picking up the experience which fills your experience bar, which is above your heath and hunger bars.

Good luck and Happy Minecrafting!!


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Q: How do you enchant an item in Minecraft?
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Create an enchantment table _B_ B:Book DOD D:Diamond OOO O:Obsidian Then you collect levels, right click on the enchantment table, put in the item you want to enchant, and click on the enchantment that you would like.

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Enchanted Book or Encantment Table.

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First, you need a gem (80 astros) then after you bought your gem buy a lesser enchant card, Fair enchant card, or Master enchant card. Then click Game Item in the My Character window, and then click Enchant. Scroll which item you want to enchant and then click Enchant Item. If you completed it, your gem stat get's higher. If lower, then the gem stat decreases. Fair and Master enchants have huger chances. Now all you gotta do is click Socket in the Game Item tab again, and scroll down to click which type of clothing to put a gem on. HOPE THIS HELPED! ~iPinoyBaller~