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Go to an enchanting table and place the stone sword in the square. Then, click one of three tan boxes with green letters in them. Click one and your exp levels will be deducted on how many you have and how many you clicked on. (The green bar on top of your hotbar is your exp enchanting level) You should have an enchanted sword then.

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Q: How do you enchant a stone sword in Minecraft?
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You need to enchant it at an enchanting table, and hope you get the Fire Aspect enchantment.

How do you enchant things on Minecraft?

You can enchant items with an Enchanting Table.

Can you enchant in minecraft Xbox?

i dont think so

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Enchant your sword with aquamarines and it will be easy but espect some restarts !!

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You get a three block deep down hole, fill the hole with lava, and drop the sword into it. This would destroy the sword though, which I'm sure you don't want. Other than this, you can also enchant a sword with fire aspect, which won't set the sword on fire but will set mobs and players on fire when they are hit with said sword.

Can i have a list of all the stuff you can enchant in minecraft?

You can enchant bows, swords, picks, axes, swords, and all pieces armour.

Where to find rohssan sword in oblivion?

It's in her private quarters but you can only get it in the theives guild quest.

How do you get silk touch in minecraft pe?

You can't enchant stuff in PE.

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Use an anvil in creative mode.

How do you enchant your bow with flame in minecraft?

Enchanted Book or Encantment Table.

Can you enchant stuff on Minecraft Xbox?

No, enchanting tables have not yet been added to Minecraft Xbox 360 edition.