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Q: How do you draw a video game controler?
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Related questions

How do you use a PS2 controler on video game tycoon?

You burn the CD then put it in a ps2

How do you play with 2 players on cars the video game?

By getting another controler and person losers. :) :( :

Do you have to be able to draw well to become a video game designer?

No, you do not need to be able to draw well to become a video game designer. There are several computer programs that aid in the design of video games.

What is video controler?

if you mean a video game controller, it is a kind of remote for a certain game system which you use to play games with. if you mean a video controller it can also be a remote which controlls a movie by fast forwarding,rewinding, pausing,playing and many more!

How do you draw animation of a video game?

Video games use animation when you are creating it , drawing characters, designing the setting, and last creating the plot line.

Can you use a ps2 controler to play PC games?

no you can not use a ps2 controler to play a PC game

Do you need a game cube controler to play a game cube game on the wii?

Yes, you do.

What is the job that people draw for video games called?

It is usually called just a Video Game Designer. Or it would fall under the category of Video game art development.

Can you play minecraft with a computer game controler?

you have to be a modder i believe

What exactly does a video game designer do?

He may write storyboards, draw backgrounds, design characters, and test video games.

Do you need PS2 controler also to run PS2 game on PC?


How do you play the car game Chinese firefighter?

use the buttens on your controler haha