talk to aunt arctic. Then go to the rink and get the photos. Go to her house and click on the photos. Click on Aunt Arctic. Go to the pet shop and use the secret code to translate the paper on the pet house. Go to the sports shop and click on G. Ask if he has special items. Type in the number on the paper. Click on both the items and put them in the inventory. Go to the iceberg. Click on the penguins. Click on the life preserver shoter and move it to the penguins. Click on them. Check the wind direction. Then shoot the preservers to them. Talk to them. Go to the penguin on the ski hill. Talk to him. Go to your spy phone then click on tools. Click on the tool that's not a comb or sccissors. Click on the telescope. Return the tool. Look through the telescope till you see a puffle. Go to the tallest mountin. Get the rope tool. Click on the mountin. Go up and click on the puffles. You finished the quest!
Case of the missing puffles is the first mission its where aunt arctic loses her puffles.
Get photos from the ice rink and then give them to Aunt Arctic.
Flares's friends are: Aunt Arctic at the Plaza, The two penguins at the Snow Forts and the Penguin Worker in the Coffee Shop.
eat out aunt arctic.
I say yes because when you type aunt arctic is the your going to see director, and if you put your mouse on aunt arctic in the news paper, she will be wearing spy glasses.
aunt arctic is a member on club penguin
How would I know... ask...AUNT ARCTIC AHAHAHAHAHA
Case of the missing puffles is the first mission its where aunt arctic loses her puffles.
In the ski lodge cupboard
Aunt Arctic is at the Lighthouse Beacon.
it is some where on club penguin in aunt arctics igloo
Aunt Arctic is the leader of the EPF.
Get photos from the ice rink and then give them to Aunt Arctic.
Aunt Arctic is the woman who writes the newsletter on clubpenguin
Aunt Arctic writes the Club penguin times! The person who contols Aunt Arctic would be the person who writes the club penguin times ;) Hope this helps!
it is the same aunt artic
its modorator or aunt arctic puffles