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You could do secret emotes on Club Penguin by pressing e and another letter then let go of e. e+q strawberry ice cream e+w chocolate ice cream e+t green music note e+i igloo e+p puffle e+l leave e+k cake e+h heart e+g game control e+f flower e+d sun e+z Pizza e+c cup of tea e+b light bulb e+n moon e+m coin

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Q: How do you do secret signs on Club Penguin?
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What font are the Club Penguin banned signs in?

It is called ACME Secret Agent

Is their a secret mission in Club Penguin?

Yes there is a secret mission on Club Penguin.

What is the secret code to the secret room on club penguin?

There are two secret rooms in club penguin, which one are you talking about?

Are there tasks on Club Penguin?

There are tasks on Club Penguin if you are a secret agent.

How do you do ALL the Club Penguin signs?

ALL signs? well there are some signs that are secret like et for music note ei for igloo em for money en for moon

Where is the mogul on Club Penguin?

It is on one of the signs on the stand on the ski hill.The word needs decoding with the secret agent code

In Club Penguin what is the answer to the riddle?

The secret code to club penguin is clubpenguin

How do you become the president of Club Penguin?

There is no president in Club Penguin but you can join the secret agent club.

Club Penguin what does it mean a penguin is on and adventure?

It means that your penguin is doing a secret mission (You have to be a secret agent which is the secret agency).

What is the biggest secret in Club Penguin?

aunt artic is the director of the club penguin secret agency this guy figured this out and told me

Is the only secret item in club penguin the crystal staff?

No there are other hidden secret items in Club Penguin in the Catalogs.

Can you be a ninja and a secret agent on Club Penguin?

Yes you can be a agent and a ninja on club penguin.