save scizor from blizzard island because he is with the Pokemon federation
Beat all missions with the highest rank possible.
You get gems by increasing your flag rank in your secret base in the underground. You rank up when you capture other peoples flags.
Go to the stadium, take the pics of the puffles and give them to Aunt Arctic.
Rank 10 is in HadesNet. Rank 9 is in HospComp 2 using the warp point in Beach 1. Rank 8 is in Undernet 3. Rank 7 is in PrincipalComp 2. Rank 3 is in Undernet 4. Rank 2 is in the DNN studio battle terminal. Rank 1 is technically in Secret Area 3, but don't worry about that.
Iraq War 1. Hostile shores, rank : private 2. City fight, rank : private 3. Hummer Trapped, rank : sergeant 4. Brown Bridge, rank : officer 5. Survivor, rank private 6. Stop the hummers, rank : officer 7. Attacked again, rank : private 8. APC vs. AT squad, rank : officer WWII-Pacific Campaign 1. Ordinary slaughter, rank : private 2. Enemy's position, rank : sergeant 3. Coming Home, rank : rebel 4. Road accident, rank : machinegunner 5. Fight like hell, rank : officer 6. Jungle camp, rank : private 7. Hidden and armored, rank : corporal 8. Bombs and shells, rank : sergeant 9. Seashore, rank : machinegunner 10. Infantry rush, rank : officer WWIII Campaign : Humans 1. Burned to the ground, rank : ranger 2. Sniper position, rank : elite ranger 3. Under fire, rank : delta squad officer 4. Labyrinth, rank SAS officer 5. Cemetary, rank GSG-9 officer 6. End of all life, rank : SAS officer WWIII Campaign : Mutants 1. Burning steel, rank : alien trooper 2. sniper fire, rank : alien trooper 3. Backstab, rank : death commander 4. Hooligan, rank : Mutant 5. earthquake, rank : Mutant 6. Land of the alive, rank : Alien Fiend These are all of the ranks, and missions for Endless war 3
It lets you do wonder mail missions
It lets you go on missions for legendary pokemon. :)
do missions like theres no tommorrow! I'm on hyper rank. and secret rank. to get secret rank, there should be a mr mime next to the keckleonn shop (only if you finished mystifying forest) will say something about blizzard island and sizor. you willl have acsess to it finish it, then crevice cave , i forget the legendary pokemons name. but defeat it the sizcor is rescued and you have secret rank. i know the secret rank is not the answer but i already said to do alot of missions. so do the ones with the star and a number next to them. they score higher than letters!
The Secret Rank is obtained by first speaking to Mr. Mime in Treasure Town. He will mention the legendary explorer Scizor and tell you that he was last seen exploring Blizzard Island, and then show you where it is on your map. If you complete this dungeon, a second will appear, called Crevice Cave. If you defeat the boss, Frosslass, Scizor will grant you the Secret Rank upon returning. The Secret Rank is used to take the special Wondermail search missions. There are seven. Each will unlock a secret dungeon that is home to a legendary Pokemon who holds a certain item that boosts recruitment rate for a Pokemon type.
After get the secret rank, go to the guild and you will receive the missions for 7 different dungeons. Accept them to unlock these dungeon. After you finish the missions, Mr. Mine will appear next to the Kecleon Shop.
you must get S rank on all missions and they do not have to be on the same difficulty just need an overall S rank on all missions
The Palkia Rank
The Secret Rank is after you save Scizor from Blizzard Island. This allows you to take legendary Wonder Mails.
tsunade has 95 s-rank missions if u want to know from where i know search on google NARUTOPEDIA
There is it's called Master Rank You have to get a lot of rank points doing missions.
you have to be a secret agent.
The secret rank is well... a secret rank. Keep going thorough the storyline (usually after the graduation) until a Mr. Mime appears in your town. Talk to him and he will mention a Scicor, who was legendary rescuer. He will also say that he is trapped in Mt. Blizzard. You will have to rescue him. after that, he will reward you with the Secret Rank. Hope this helps. ;D ~ Kikoda