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just use the keys on keyboard (b+up=jump up, b+down=jump down.

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Q: How do you do jumps on the acro bike in Emerald?
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How do you get across the bike path in the safari zone in Pokemon emerald?

Ride your Acro bike and perform bike jumps to get across the gaps keep doing that until you reach the other side.

How do you use acro bike on emerald?

First of all get the bike from mauvile cities bike shop second choose it in the bag and ride it now your on the bike the cool thing about this bike is you can do: wheelies, jumps and bunny hops.

How do you get a acro bike in Pokemon FireRed?

Acro Bikes are only obtainable in Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.

What bike do you need to get past the Jagged Pass on Pokemon Emerald?

The Acro bike.

How do you get the bike in Pokemon emerald?

You Can Aquire Either The Acro Bike Or Mach Bike In Mauville City At Rydel's Bike Shop.

Where do you get a bike on Pokemon emerald?

You Can Aquire Either An Acro Bike Or A Mach Bike In Mauville City At Rydel's Bike Shop.

How do you get the acro bike in Pokemon Crystal version?

The Acro and Mach bikes are only in Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald. There's only one bike in Crystal and you can get it in Goldenrod

How do you Jump in Pokemon emerald?

get the acro bike by ridel and hold the B-button

How can you do bunny hops with a acro bike in Pokemon emerald?

You press and hold B.

How do you pass the rails on safari zone on Pokemon emerald?

Use the Acro bike and hit "B" key and the up or down key at the same time

Where can you get the match bike on Pokemon emerald?

It is very simple, you get it in Mauville City where you get the acro bike and the bike shop. You switch between the two.

How do you cross white bridges in emerald?

you can cross the white bridges in emerald,but you'l have to use acro bike to passandyou have to jump.