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well you go into gts of course and then when you are on press the a button on deposit pokemon. then choose which you would like to offer and the one you would like to get and you are good to go. just remember you have to have wi-fi

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Q: How do you deposite your Pokemon at gts in Pokemon Diamond?
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if you put one in offer in the gts you cannot get it back . SORRY!

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gts or transfer

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How do you clone Pokémon in Pokemon Diamond?

There is a way to clone I have 3 dialgas and 2 lv100 gyaradoses, firstly you have to have wireless internet go to the GTS (global trade station) and deposite a Pokemon you want to clone. once you have deposited the Pokemon you want to clone when the little clock goes around 7-8.5 times your ds goes off . once you restart it it will say the save file is corupted the prevous file will be loaded don't worry that is normal just click a you should be out of the gts check your team see if the Pokemon is in your team, go back into the gts and your Pokemon should be in the deposite box. hope this helped :-)

How do you clone your Pokemon with the gts in Pokemon Diamond?

DONT!You will get kicked of for life!!!

How do you get cranidose on Pokemon Pearl?

You can get it only from Pokemon Diamond/Platinum or the GTS.

How do you get a Palkia in Pokemon diamond?

You can get it through trade or the GTS.

Where is the GTS on Pokemon diamond?

you can find it in jubelife city

Which legendary Pokemon can you get via GTS on Pokemon diamond?

All, provided you have seen them.

What Pokemon is number 360 in Pokemon Diamond?

Pokemon 222 on Pokemon diamond is (CORSOLA) there is Pokemon 222 and you have to gts trade or link trade it to get

How you can catch Empoleon in Pokemon Diamond?

gts or get a piplup and evole it

How can you see all of the Pokemon on Pokemon Diamond?

The only way you can see all the Pokemon on diamond is by going into the GTS and global trade different Pokemon.