There is no way to delete a plot, a.k.a. it isn't there. But, if you want to CLEAR it/not own in anymore, and the server is using the PlotMe plugin, and you have the correct permissions, you type in the chat /plotme reset
You type in the command in chat /t unclaim while standing in the plot.
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The card code for the medusa plot is KHGHCR63T4
The River Plot is the best one to pick. It has more space then the Town Plot, but it is just as fertile. The Seaside Plot has the most land but it is very bad for growing crops. And the plot is far away from the town.
You can ask the server admin to give you permissions to build on your plot depending on the plugin of creative plots they have.
You type in the command in chat /t unclaim while standing in the plot.
if you are talking about creative its usually /plotme deny
the command ./plotme means that if you are on a freebuild server with differant plots the command works on the plot you are standing on (if you are allowed to edit that plot) so if you stand on a free plot and typ./plotme claim it claims the plot you are standing on and if you builded on your plot but dont like it you can typ ./plotmeclear and it clears your plot if you are standing on it
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If this is Vanilla there are several things you can do: 1 Talk to them and ask them to move 2 Use world edit to move their build to a correct plot. 3 Use fire and TNT to blow up their stuff. 4 Use the /ban command (last resort). If you use a mod for creative plots, this won't happen.
A plot is something that you can buy/sell, depending on the server. It is an area of land that you can build on; it's most used in Towny servers.
if you trade with them enough, and have enough coins you can buy a plot.
An antinovel is a piece of creative work which avoids the conventions of a typical novel, such as a coherent plot and protagonist.
Yes. alot of people loved it for it's creative characters and interesting plot.
Hover over the travel icon that is next to the plow tool there will be a recycle icon.