Well you click and hold it for 5 seconds.When a little window pops up,click OK. Hope it works. Same thing as adding otherstars.
Creator Ranking is your total ranking that is calculated by the number of users who added stars, the number of users who made you their favorite, and number of views.
If you want to put in a new harddrive or something the Sony PlayStation Network has a support section. You can access this from your computer. a Link to the website has been added and you can search for a reason like replacing the harddrive to disassemble the PS3.
The previous patch files will be in the patches folder in the main world of warcraft folder in program files. The patch files can be deleted once they are installed. any updates they have installed will be part of the main game and cannot be removed. If you don't like the new features added by the patch you cannot remove these, they need to be installed to play the game.
1. if you want to, there is cheat engine 2. if you just want to know, DON'T DO IT. It WILL get you banned. 1x1x1x1 did that and got IP banned. do you want that? NO. added by crazykilla15:idiot everytime you reboot your computer your ip resets to a new one then ta-da unbanned noob
Cave sounds were added back in the Alpha stages of the game
I think it means how many people have added you as a favourite. Only 90 percent sure though.
first, you click on their name. Then, it will bring you to their creator's room. At the top of the bottom screen, it will say ADD FAVORITES. Click on that, and the creator will be added to your favorites.
Creator Ranking is your total ranking that is calculated by the number of users who added stars, the number of users who made you their favorite, and number of views.
Go to a Flipnote you would like to add stars to. Press on it, then click Details on the bottom right of your screen. Then there should be a button that says Add Star. Click it and then you have added a star!
Sorry but you can not. One you have added a room, you can not delete it.
You should backup your computer every two weeks. Your computer reminds you frequency because you add and delete files often and your computer could crash at anytime. Then those files that you added and deleted won't be in the backup when you get a new computer or fix the one you have.
Press delete!
Hi, the reason you don't have a tab outside the Farmville screen to delete neighbours is that you cannot delete them once you have added them.
You can not delete picture that others have posted, all you can do is un-tag your name from it.
You can add or delete contacts from Gmail easily. The contacts could be added by requesting. They can be deleted by the delete option.
NO! he dosnt. If u added one. Delete it!
Will delete all partitions on specified drive.