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1. if you want to, there is cheat engine

2. if you just want to know, DON'T DO IT. It WILL get you banned. 1x1x1x1 did that and got IP banned. do you want that? NO.

added by crazykilla15:idiot everytime you reboot your computer your ip resets to a new one then ta-da unbanned noob

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Q: How do you exploit roblox?
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What are a list of programs you can exploit on Roblox?

That's not a very good idea to exploit roblox because you'll get banned.

Where do you learn to exploit roblox?

You can Exploit but really, No harm. I am known all over roblox as Tarek701 and I am a exploiter. I am willing to teach for 300 robux.

Is there a hack in ROBLOX to get free robux?

No. Also, attempting to exploit any part of Roblox is a bannable offense.

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you can't, i don't want a health hacker in my server said roblox, so he just got rid of the exploit

What is the white scythe script on Roblox?

i know it >:P.... but u should no if u exploit.

Is there a way to save the tix and robux hack on roblox?

No. It is only a web browser exploit. It does not save it permanently.

How do you use models in roblox 2012?

Go to the Toolbox, which is in the top right corner that has two wrenches. You will have to go to Roblox Studio either edit or build to get it. If you want a toolbox exploit, I can't tell you or else it will leak.

How do you make a KO in Roblox count for example when someone shoots a zombie and it will say 1 KO?

Roblox KOS are counted by a certain line of script that gives you a KO. Every time that line of code runs you get a KO. This is why it is possible to exploit the system to give yourself KOS.

Where did roblox cheats?

4 Ways.... Or maybe more. 1. Dll Injecting. 2. Plugin Exploiting. 3. Toolbox Exploit. (Usually glitching) 4. With CE. Cheat Engine.

How do you make a hover board on roblox?

You need to make a script for it. It will only work in your game though, so don't expect to fly around on it on SFOTH4, unless you know how to exploit games.

Roblox or Fortnite?

Hi it me again i think Roblox is better has its a friendly fun game :3 but for this game "Fortnite" It has killing in the game itself so i don't think it would be a good game for everyone

what is roblox's username?

It's literally Roblox.