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go to the Pokemon Center open ur box. select the Pokemon u don't want from the box and select release

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Q: How do you delete Pokemon on Pokemon emerald?
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Is there a place on Pokemon emerald to delete Pokemon moves?

yes in lilycove city

How do you get your moves deleted in Pokemon Emerald?

There should be a move deleter in Pokemon Emerald, try to find this person and you should be able to delete your moves.

How do you delete saved data in Pokemon emerald?

make a new file and save it

How do you delete an HM move in pokemon emerald?

Go to Lillycove City and in that town there is a move deleter who will delete any move (Including HM's) for free.

How do you delete your Pokemon emerald profile?

Go to a PC in any Pokemon Center and in when you are in /withdraw/deposit/move when you press A to do something one of the options is release.

What Pokemon on Pokemon Emerald knows sweet scent when you catch it no matter what?

TROPIUS should until you delete SWEET SCENT or roselia's SWEET SCENT TOO.

How do you delete Pokemon in Emerald?

Go into the PC box in a Pokemon Center, go to the Pokemon you want to release (either from your team or in a box), select it, and select "Release" from the menu you're given.

Where is the place to forget HMS in Pokemon emerald?

In the lily cove city there is departmental store above the Pokemon Center. Beside it there is a house of "THE MOVE DELETER", he will delete it for you... ENJOY

How do you delete hidden moves on emerald?

In Lilycove City, there's a move deleter (near the department store) that can delete any move from a Pokemon's repertoire, including HM's, Hidden Machines.

Does Pokemon Platinum delete save games on Ruby Sapphire Emerald like Diamond and Pearl sometimes does?

i have had no experiences with it and i do it a lot on platinum

How do you get a Celebi on Pokemon Emerald?

Celebi can know longer be onbtained in Pokemon Emerald as far as i know of, however legit. If you are desperate i suggest you use gameshark codes or action reply, each can be obtained at various outlets

Where is the emerald in pkemon emerald?

its not an emerald its RAYQUAZA the main legendary Pokemon in Pokemon emerald.