

Best Answer

yes u go to help up the top in the bar then there should be delete user (bottom of list) hope u find it helpful! EAT PIE MEGAMAN !

dude dont delete without telling your BFFs! They will wonder!

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Q: How do you delete Movie Star Planet user?
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How do you delete a Movie Star Planet user?

hob bgcfty

How do you delete your movie star planet?

The ? above your screen right next to the settings>Click the person [My User]>Then click [Delete user] next to [Reset Email] at the bottom.

How do you delete your user on Movie Star Planet?

You first have to click on the question mark on the top right corner and at the bottom it says delete user and you click on it and put your user name and pass word correctly and your user id deleted.

What to do when you get hacked?

dont worry nothing will happen if its of movie star planet report them imedietly and delete your user before it gets worse then nothing will happen

Can you delete Movie Star Planet hacker?

Just report it or the user cos the msp staff know everything bout hackers and annoymous My user on moviestarplanet is blingogirl54321 add me pliz

What is Danielle's Movie Star Planet user?

It is Danielle123460

Who pumpchkin in Movie Star Planet?

Pumpchkin is a popular user on the children's website movie star

How many Movie Star Planet user names is there?

900 million

What is the password for admin's user on Movie Star Planet?

Msp123 it worked for me hope it does for you!

What is the website to go on Movie Star Planet?

all you have 2 do is go on Google and write movie star you press new user and you get it

How do you delet your own user on Movie Star Planet?

Click on your user, then click "recycle" which is located at the bottom of the list of things to do.

How do you delete movie star planet on a tablet?

To delete a movie, go to the Movietown part of the map. When there, click on the movie button to open the movie menu. Press on the button that says, "My Movies". Then choose which movie you would like to delete. Click on it. You then open that movie. On the top there are several buttons. One of them says delete. Click it, and confirm. Congrats! You have deleted a movie! ~orca2love~