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go to the friends icon at the top and click the top search bottom the type in their user name

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Q: How do you find people on Movie Star Planet?
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What lines do you have to use for your Easter movie on Movie Star Planet?

go to movietown and then competition to find out.

Where would you find a bubblegum bubble on Movie Star Planet?

You would find it in the accessories catergory

How you get a gift certifacate on Movie Star Planet?

its not true apart from if you find codes with them on

Where do you find competitions on Movie Star Planet?

to find competitions on moviestarplanet all you have to do is go to movietown then click competitions then your there

What are all the Movie Star Planet codes?

theres no codes for msp yet ill find them out if there is

Where to find your pets on Movie Star Planet?

you have to be a member (VIP) that is all i have got to say thank you1

How can you find the Movie Star Planet mobile app?

You can easily find the Movie Star Planet mobile app by searching for it in your device's app store, such as the Google Play Store or Apple App Store. Just type "Movie Star Planet" into the search bar, and you'll see the official app available for download. For those interested in apps offering free movies and TV shows, you might explore Castle App. It's a great platform for entertainment enthusiasts.

Is there a like Movie Star Planet and What is its name?

No my friend, there is not a movie star planet. We all share the planet we are on now. Mind you it is possible that some stars feel themselves above the common man because of their popularity. But they are soon brought down to earth when they find out that they are the same as all of us, human beings.

Where are the movies on movie star planet?

On Movie Star Planet, once you are on the map, click on Movietown and then Movies and choose whether you want to make a new movie (New Movie), view movies you have already made (My Movies) or watch your friend's and best friends and boy friends movies (Watch Movies). I hope you find this helpfull!

How do you get to be a vip for free in Movie Star Planet?

The way you can get vip for free is find a good cheat, or ask a vip if you can use their account.

How can you get a ton of money on movie star planet without downloading cheat engine?

No because you have to find a place to make one or you tube.

How do you go invisible on Movie Star Planet?

Sorry guys, but there really is no way to be invisible!! :( but keep trying to find it out ok bye