if you want to make you pet follow you try making level ups for your pet.
When its fully grown it will follow you. i give free diamonds - contact memsp character name - XxmikaatxX
you cant
I asked the qustion
On Movie Star Planet, once you are on the map, click on Movietown and then Movies and choose whether you want to make a new movie (New Movie), view movies you have already made (My Movies) or watch your friend's and best friends and boy friends movies (Watch Movies). I hope you find this helpfull!
if you want to make you pet follow you try making level ups for your pet.
When its fully grown it will follow you. i give free diamonds - contact memsp character name - XxmikaatxX
make a blog
you don't need to make them happy they alread are
dear movie star planet i really want to be a vip because poepel like to tease me on movie star planet can you plz make me into a vip plz
you cant
you cant
Movie maker is just basicley where you can make movies.
You put it in a microwave
I asked the qustion
games, chat, make movies, and more
when u are logged off plz dont tell anyone ur pass cos if they do they will steal your clothes send it 2 their accont!! and spend your coins and plus they will also send nasty messges 2 your friends i hope this really helped xx !! add me Famousegirl200