Well, Hydreigon is a dragon type, and dragon effects itself, so use a dragon type or any other type about 5 levels over it, but dragon works really well.
Well, first defeat N from the Pokemon League, then Ghetsis heals your Pokemon and you fight him. You'll need Dragon type Pokemon or Ice type Pokemon with high level to defeat his Pokemon, because there is a really powerful Dragon type Pokemon named Hydreigon. You'll need Grass type Pokemon also to defeat his Seismitoad. Fighting type to defeat his Bisharp and Boufflant, Dark type to defeat his Cofagrigus. Hope this helps and good luck!
There is no Pokemon called Zewilous, but there is one called Zweilous. It evolves into Hydreigon at level 64.
you have to have Pokemon white but if you have black you need to trade from someone with white. you need to have completed the Pokemon league then you catch zecrom then you battle N who has Reshiram then when you defeat him you have to battle ghetsis.
Same place as white forest in Pokemon black... nowhere. Pokemon black has black city, Pokemon white has white forest.
Nowhere. you can find the Black city in pokemon black and White forest in pokemon white. YOu can't got to the white forest in pokemon black
Hydreigon is a 5th generation pokemon that first appeared in Pokemon Black and White as well as the sequels.Hydregion was first introduced in Pokemon Black and White. It has appeared in Pokemon games released after, so it's not exclusive to those games.
You cannot catch Hydreigon on Pokemon White.
Nothing is after Hydreigon; it is the last evolution.
There isn't any difference, only that one's a boy and the other one's a girl.
you catch a deino at victory road an level it up to level 64
you cannot find hydreigen in Pokemon white but you can get deino in victory road it evolves into zwelious at level50 and then into hydreigon at level64
It's Deino, Zwelious, and Hydreigon
It evolves into Hydreigon at level 64.
The only way to get hydreigon (without trading) is to catch a deino in victory road, lvl it up to lvl 50 to evolve it into a zweilous, and then lvl THAT up to 64 to get a hydreigon.
Well, first defeat N from the Pokemon League, then Ghetsis heals your Pokemon and you fight him. You'll need Dragon type Pokemon or Ice type Pokemon with high level to defeat his Pokemon, because there is a really powerful Dragon type Pokemon named Hydreigon. You'll need Grass type Pokemon also to defeat his Seismitoad. Fighting type to defeat his Bisharp and Boufflant, Dark type to defeat his Cofagrigus. Hope this helps and good luck!
you would have to catch a deino on the first floor of victory road. it evolves into zweilous at lvl 50 which then evolves into hydreigon at lvl 64
from the janitor after you defeat him in a pokemon battle in the battle tower in castelia city in both pokemon black and white versions.