There is no Pokemon called Zewilous, but there is one called Zweilous. It evolves into Hydreigon at level 64.
Emolga does not evolve. I played Pokemon White also and it does not evolve. Some Pokemon do but this one does not evolve.
Larvesta evolves at level 59 in both Pokemon Black and Pokemon White.
Level 17.
At level 55
darumaka evolves into darmanitan at level 35 or level 70 on Pokemon white
In Pokemon White... Zoroark evolves from Zorua at Level 30... ^_^
Level 5
Emolga does not evolve. I played Pokemon White also and it does not evolve. Some Pokemon do but this one does not evolve.
level 31
Have a friend with pokemon white 2 host the funfest mission
He does not evolve by level he evolves when u trade to another Pokemon black or white game
Train them............
Larvesta evolves at level 59 in both Pokemon Black and Pokemon White.
Well, it depends on what Pokemon it is.
Level 20. :)
It evolves at level 30