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Dragon vs dragon is super effective :D

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Q: How do you defeat a flying-dragon type Pokemon in Pokemon sapphire?
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On Pokemon sapphire what is the 180th pokdex on sapphire?

it is a dragon type Pokemon gym

What is the 4th gym in pokemon sapphire?

This gym uses mainly fire type Pokemon. In order to beat this gym you must use water type Pokemon lvl's 23 and up in order to defeat this gym leader.

Where is Steve in Pokemon sapphire?

he lives in mossdeep in Pokemon Sapphire and he is the Pokemon league champion he is a steel type trainer.

What Pokemon type works best against your dad in Pokemon sapphire?

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Where is the seventh Gym in Pokemon Sapphire Ruby Emerald and what type of Pokemon are there?

In Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby and Emerald the 7th Gym that's located in Mossdeep City has Psychic type Pokemon.

What type of Pokemon does the the 4th gym leader use in Pokemon sapphire?

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How do you deafeat ghisis in Pokemon white version?

Well, first defeat N from the Pokemon League, then Ghetsis heals your Pokemon and you fight him. You'll need Dragon type Pokemon or Ice type Pokemon with high level to defeat his Pokemon, because there is a really powerful Dragon type Pokemon named Hydreigon. You'll need Grass type Pokemon also to defeat his Seismitoad. Fighting type to defeat his Bisharp and Boufflant, Dark type to defeat his Cofagrigus. Hope this helps and good luck!

Where Can you Find Wailord in Pokemon Sapphire?

Wailord is an immense Water type Pokemon. It can be encountered in the wild in Pokemon Sapphire while Surfing on Route 129.

What kind of Pokemon can you use to defeat electric Pokemon in Pokemon deluge?

with using a rock or ground type Pokemon, the best Pokemon you can use to defeat a electric type is rhyperior ok!?

In Pokemon Sapphire what type of Pokemon does Brally use?

He uses fighting type Pokemon so its better to use pyschic, flying type Pokemon

How do you defeat electric type pokemons?

you can defeat electric type Pokemon by using ground type Pokemon or ground type moves such as dig or earthquake.for Pokemon i would advise rhydon or geodude