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BuG TyPe CaN dEfEaT a DaRk TyPe

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Q: What Pokemon can defeat a dark type?
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Related questions

How do you defeat ghost pokemon?

Use Dark type pokemon.

How do you defeat defeat psychic type Pokemon?

psycic Pokemon are weak against ghost type moves bug type moves and dark type moves, you can use ghost, dark and bug moves to deal quite alot of damage

How do you deafeat ghisis in Pokemon white version?

Well, first defeat N from the Pokemon League, then Ghetsis heals your Pokemon and you fight him. You'll need Dragon type Pokemon or Ice type Pokemon with high level to defeat his Pokemon, because there is a really powerful Dragon type Pokemon named Hydreigon. You'll need Grass type Pokemon also to defeat his Seismitoad. Fighting type to defeat his Bisharp and Boufflant, Dark type to defeat his Cofagrigus. Hope this helps and good luck!

What is the weakness of mewto Pokemon?

you will need either a bug type, ghost type, or a dark type to defeat or capture mewtwo.

What is the best Pokemon to defeat the elite four?

you need a fire type a water type a dark type a grass type and a dragon type.

What Pokemon is dark?

any Pokemon that is a dark type any Pokemon that is a dark type

How do you defeat twins in Pokemon ruby?

To defeat the twins, you need a powerful water-type and a Pokemon that can use dark moves (preferably dark time). I recomend having an absol in your party that can use the move bite and has balckglasses equiped.

What type of Pokemon can beat fairy Pokemon?

Almost any type can defeat a Fairy-type Pokemon, but its weaknesses are Poison and Steel. They are immune to Dragon and halves the damage to Bug, Fighting, and Dark-type moves.

How do you beat anebel in Pokemon emerald?

She can be tough but having a ground type, dark type and fighting type are perfect to defeat her Pokemon. Make sure you have a Pokemon with reflect or light screen that will help, when she sends out alakazam counter with the dark type, when she sends out snorlax counter with the fighting type, when she sends out typhlosion counter with the ground type.

What Pokemon do you need to do defeat the third gym leader on Pokemon platinum?

Luxio it learns bite and dark type moves are super effective on ghost types

What Pokemon can beat umbreon.?

Any Pokemon raised good enough can defeat an Umbreon (as with any other Pokemon), but Pokemon that have a type advantage against Dark types (those types being Fighting and Bug) have, well, a type advantage.

How do you defeat haunter on HeartGold?

Battle it with a stronger pokemon, possibly one with a dark or ghost type move like rattata and raticate