psycic Pokemon are weak against ghost type moves bug type moves and dark type moves, you can use ghost, dark and bug moves to deal quite alot of damage
psychic type pokemon are weak against psychic steel and dark
psychic psychic
Pokémon types that can beat Psychic-type Pokémon are Dark, and Bug. Ghosts however lose against Psychic.
Cressilia is a psychic type Pokemon
Spoink is a Psychic type pokemon.
Lorelei has Ice and Water type pokemon, the best way to defeat her pokemon is to use Electric type pokemon or pokemon that have Electric type moves. Bruno has Fighting type pokemon and two Rock/Ground types, the best way to defeat his pokemon is to use Psychic pokemon or pokemon that have Psychic type moves. Agatha has Ghost and Poison type pokemon, the best way to defeat her pokemon is to also use Psychic type pokemon or pokemon with Psychic type attacks.
He's fighting type? Use psychic or flying pokemon.
Use a high level flying type or psychic type.
use a very strong psychic type that has very powerful psychic attack
Gothita is a Psychic type pokemon.
Either a Psychic-type or a Flying-type.
Cosmog is a Psychic type, and it was introduced in the Generation 7 games, Pokemon Sun and Pokemon Moon.
psychic type pokemon are weak against psychic steel and dark
psychic psychic
Use psychic, electric, or rock moves.
That's easy, use psychic or ground pokemon. But psychic are the best.