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450 ballista's, 400 transporters. Need 60+ attack to make sure no losses.

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Q: How do you defeat a NPC level 5 on Evony with archers with no losses?
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What is the best way to take a level 8 npc in evony age 2?

Attack it with 100k archers then plunder with 5k archers and warriors

How do you take down a level 5 barbarian city in Evony?

By sending waves of archers or cavs to lower the loyalty to 0 so you can capture it.

How do you get Rose medals in Evony?

To get Rose Medals you can either: 1. Attack any level 3 valley with 200 archers. 2. Attack any level 2 valley with 100 archers. 3. Attack any level 1 valley with 50 archers. 4. Attack any level 4 valley with 400 archers. 5. Attack any level 1 NPC with 50 ballistae. This is in order of which one you have a better chance of getting a rose medal, so if you attack a lvl 3 valley with 200 archers that will be a better chance of getting a rose medal than attacking a lvl 1 NPC (An NPC is a Barbarian city that is played by the evony system so nobody really controls it) with 50 ballistae. Hope this helped! Blake: also see

How do you defeat a level 9 NPC on Evony with few losses?

You really should not attack a lvl9 npc as a level 10 has about the same losses and more resources. In doing so, I would send 1k transporters, 2k warriors, 2k workers, 1.5k scout, rest archers (93.5k). If you have a hero at lvl 70 or so, your losses should be about 7k archers and the other troops (minus transporters). If you are attacking to take the city, replace transporters with archers. This wave will take out the troops, but you will want to have continuous waves following up every 30-45 seconds. These are called loyalty waves. The first loyalty wave should be large (maybe 40k archer/40k warrior) The rest of the loyalty waves should be about 20k archer/20k warrior mix. In order to have this kind of timing, you want to have your city about 1-2 miles away and be able to launch attacks with 9-10 heroes (Feasting Hall lvl 10).

How do you coquer a lv 1 npc in evony with archers?

i would send a good level 15 hero on a level 2 horse so it will only take for minuets and then send 500-750 archers with the hero and wave attack it (planned attackes 10 seconds apart) do that 4 half an hour and by then you would of conquered it ever time you attack you souled get 1 lion Madel

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How many warriors can 418 archers take out in evony?

It depends on various factors such as the level of the archers and warriors, their equipment, and strategy. Generally, archers are stronger against warriors, so a group of 418 archers could potentially take out a considerable number of warriors before facing defeat.

In evony how many archers do you need to use to take a level 10 forest?

To capture a level 10 forest in Evony, you typically need around 100,000 archers. However, this number can vary based on your hero's level, research, and other factors. It's best to scout the target to get a more accurate estimate.

What is the best way to take a level 8 npc in evony age 2?

Attack it with 100k archers then plunder with 5k archers and warriors

How do you farm a level 2 ncp evony?

attack it with 5k archers then do loyalty waves of 1k warriors so troop required is 5k archers 35k warriors but this is too much, you could do it less

How do you take down a level 5 barbarian city in Evony?

By sending waves of archers or cavs to lower the loyalty to 0 so you can capture it.

How do you take a level 10NPC in Evony?

I may be mistaken but I believe this combination should work. 97k archers 1k swordsman 1k Pikeman 1k scouts With waves of 10k warriors before it. With at least a 200 attack hero so as not to be as many losses.

How do you farm valleys in Evony Age 2 with no loss to achieve medals?

Attack any level 1 valley with 50 Archers Attack any level 2 valley with 100 Archers Attack any level 3 valley with 200 Archers Attack any level 4 valley with 400 Archers Attack any level 5 valley with 750 Archers Attack any level 6 valley with 1,500 Archers Attack any level 7 valley with 3,000 Archers Attack any level 8 valley with 7,500 Archers Level One: 50 Ballista Level Two: 150-200 ballista Level Three: 250-300 ballista Level Four : 350-400 ballista Level Five: 400-500 ballista

How many archers you need for a lvl 12 history city in evony?

The number of archers needed for a level 12 history city in Evony would depend on various factors such as the size of the city, the strength of your opponents, and your preferred strategy. It is difficult to provide an exact number without these details. However, it is recommended to have a balanced army composition with a mix of archers, cavalry, and infantry units.

What is the best way to defeat the castles on invasion 3?

This is how I always do it on all of these i put them in order of when to deploy them. I also put how much gold you get. level 1: 10 archers and 1 cannon-4000 level 2: 30 archers and 1 cannon- 6000 level 3: 50 archers and 1 cannon-8000 level 4: 70 archers and 1 cannon-10000 level 5: 90 archers and 1 cannon-12000 level 6: 110 archers and 1 cannon-14000 and basically you keep going like this: buy archers until your money drops to 1000 then buy a cannon.

How do you get Rose medals in Evony?

To get Rose Medals you can either: 1. Attack any level 3 valley with 200 archers. 2. Attack any level 2 valley with 100 archers. 3. Attack any level 1 valley with 50 archers. 4. Attack any level 4 valley with 400 archers. 5. Attack any level 1 NPC with 50 ballistae. This is in order of which one you have a better chance of getting a rose medal, so if you attack a lvl 3 valley with 200 archers that will be a better chance of getting a rose medal than attacking a lvl 1 NPC (An NPC is a Barbarian city that is played by the evony system so nobody really controls it) with 50 ballistae. Hope this helped! Blake: also see

How do you beat stickwar?

you upgrade your miners, swordwrath, and archiadons. And use the archers to defeat most short range dudes and the swordsmen to keep the archers safe while the miners will make you a lot of money so you can get more people (no archers on the giant's level they do no good).

How many archers to take a valley evony?

It depends on the level of the valley and the strength of the defender's troops. It is recommended to have a mix of different types of troops, including archers as well as cavalry and infantry, to maximize your chances of success. Make sure to plan your attack carefully and consider using other tactics such as scouting and reinforcement from allies.