He is made out of matter, and as long as you believe hard enough, your attacks will be able to damage him. The in-game mechanic to support this is hammering on the select button as you attack Sephiroth. If you do not do any damage, you are not pressing fast enough.
Buy ActionReplay or GameShark and find some codes.
In each campaign mission you have 20 hearts, you will get three stars even if you finish the mission with 18 hearts. In the heroic and iron challenges you only have 1 heart and if you complete the mission you get 1 star each. Hope this answers your question.(Psst! in the top of the menu screen you have the follow on facebook and twitter, awarding one star each)
You need to enchant a Diamond Sword with either Sharpness, Smite or Bane of Arthropods, preferably with a high level. Smite and Bane of Arthropods deal more damage than Sharpness, but work only on specific opponents - zombies, zombie pigmen and skeletons for the former, spiders, cave spiders and silverfish for the latter. Even if you get a lower level enchantment, keep attacking things and hope for a critical hit, which adds around 50% extra damage. A diamond sword deals 3 1/2 hearts of damage per strike. Sharpness adds up to 1.5 hearts per level, Smite and Bane add up to 2 per level (it's actually random), but with a high enough level enchantment, it's easy to get the damage achievement.
I think they have it at walmart or something IDK! UUUUUUHHHHHHHHHHH! ---- Game Stop is a really good place to look. Every one I've ever been in has had both I and II, as well as the Gameboy Chain of Memories. If they don't have it, ask an employee if they plan to get it in anytime soon.
Each level will increase the heart damage lost by 1.25 hearts when you hit spiders, cave spiders, or silverfish. Use: (all using a diamond sword with Bane or Arthropods V) Spiders will be killed with 2 hits (one hit dealing 11.5 hearts, the other finishing it off) instead of... 2 hits? (that's right, normal diamond swords hit 8 hearts without enchanting. Spiders have 16 hearts.) Cave Spiders will be killed with, sadly 2 hits again (11.5 < 12) so no efficiency here. Silverfish will be killed with 1 hit (silverfish have 8 hearts) and... yeah you see where i'm going with this. Essentially, if you can build an enchantment table, you can probably build a diamond sword, so this is a useless enchantment for most purposes.
on Kingdom Hearts 1 i have no clue but on Kingdom Hearts 2 after you beat sephiroth go talk to cloud and he will give you a keyblade called Fenrir
I think you have to beat Sephiroth.
The Ice Titan. He is the best difficulty:experience ratio. Sephiroth gives you the most experience but is insanely hard.
after you finish hollow bastion then you can fight sephiroth, Kurt zisa, phantom and the ice titan, they are the secret bosses
You cannot play as him in kingdom hearts 1 but you can in kingdom hearts: chain of memories.
No. Kingdom Hearts 1 is only for the PS2.
Kingdom Hearts 1 is for the PlayStation 2 or PS2.
Alice appears in Kingdom Hearts 1.
There are no codes for Kingdom Hearts.
It creates a wind barrier around the user that halves any damage taken.
kingdom hearts 1, kingdom hearts 1 final mix, kingdom heats 2, kingdom hearts 2 final mix, and kingdom hearts birth by sleep, 358/2 days, and coded i think come out at about the same time.
Kingdom Hearts Manga(published by TokyoPop) Kingdom Hearts (vol. 1-4)Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (vol. 1-2)Kingdom Hearts II (vol. 1-4)Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (unreleased)