1 heart nothing 2 heart a gift to you 3 heart nothing 4 hearts lunch date 5 hearts get 20 log game and beat luke 6 hearts confesson at allens tree I hope that helps =)
There are no Red Heart Events. Only Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow Heart Events.
There are no Orange Heart Events for anyone in Sunshine Island. Only Purple, Blue, Green, and Yellow Heart Events.
For his 5th heart event when you experience it the game freezes sometimes. You can send it back to get a new one if it does.
No You can only see each of them once. i hope this helped!
Karen Has no Orange Heart Event She has 1.Black Heart 2.Purple Heart 3.Blue Heart 4.Yellow Heart Events no orange
the 20 pieces of lumber contest is one of lukes heart events. if youre trying to marry luke then you have to get 20 pieces of lumber to complete the heart event and get them before luke. he says he likes a girl who can chop wood
There's no 3 heart event but 4 heart In order to trigger the heart event you have to go talk to Luke before 10 AM... On sunny day only.. Then he will ask if you have time during noon for a lunch date Say definitely then he will ask you to meet him in Sundae Inn during noon.
When you complete all his heart events Hamilton will apear, talk to you about the blue bird and feather, and after a few weeks you will get a cutscene.
That depends. Are you playing Harvest Moon Tree of Tranquility or Harvest Moon Animal Parade? Luke is a marriage candidate in both those games but the way you get married is different. Tree of Tranquility requirements: Have at least eight hearts Complete all five Heart Events, including the request event Get the Blue Feather You must propose on a Sunny day. Animal Parade requirements: Have at least nine hearts Complete all the Heart Events Upgrade your house Get the Blue Feather
You have to give that person something everyday.
There are no Red Heart Events. Only Black, Purple, Blue, and Yellow Heart Events.
Heart events are like Random Events but romantic. Heart Events Are mandatory to do with the person you like in order to marry them.
not if you have witnissed the two heart events, but if you havn't then all you have to do is keep your rivals hearts below 2 so you dont even have a chance of witnissing one...
their are no heart event just a lot of requrments
Yes, Because heart events are at different colors for a reason.
Give it something everyday and get it's heart points up. Then it will start to like you.
You must complete all the marriage requirements, which are: -Have at least 8 Hearts with Luke -Completed all his Heart Events -Get the Blue Feather When you've done that you can propose using the Blue Feather.