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Press "T" on the controls and type your message and press enter, there are some different commands to speak to one person only. You can do this in Multiplayer and Single Player. There are also cheats in minecraft, but many servers don't let you use them unless your opped, if your playing Singleplayer type in /help, if you want to go to the next page type /help 2 etc.

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Q: How do you communicate in Minecraft?
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Is there something you have to download to chat on Minecraft?

No. You can type chat by pressing "T" and typing what you want to say. So far there's no way to verbally communicate in Minecraft. My friends and I use Skype while playing Minecraft together.

How do you chat in Minecraft on the computer?

To chat in Minecraft all you need to do is press "t" on your keyboard and type in what you want to say. Minecraft does not support voice chat, but you can still communicate with others using Teamspeak, Mumble, or Skype. Hope this helped!

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You will need to enable cookies on your computer. Unless you do this, Minecraft cannot communicate with your computer to process the transaction. See the related question below for how to enable cookies on your computer.

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You can't friend people (like a list). People will often use Skype or some social network to communicate.

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What is the Minecraft called with the creepers in it?

It's called Minecraft... creepers have ALWAYS been in Minecraft.

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What is the Minecraft help email?

You can email Minecraft if you have any questions about Minecraft. That's what the Minecraft Help Email is.

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There are no schools in Minecraft and/or a school that teaches minecraft.

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Those are in minecraft forums - there are no clans in Minecraft alone.

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You have to get an account on the real minecraft website.