Beta 1.0
Alpha was an earlier version on minecraft beta, it has poorer graphics, less blocks and far fewer crafting recipes.
The Minecraft game can be played for free, as a beta version, on the Minecraft website. This version does not require the user to download any files.
The first EVER version of Minecraft was called "The Cave Game" Pre. The first official version of Minecraft was Creative. The first official version of Survival Minecraft was InDev, which is an abbreviation of In Development.
no Yes it is. The server and multiplayer has also always been part of Minecraft. If you bought the Beta version of Minecraft it is still good for the Full Final release of Minecraft.
Beta 1.0
No, it is not. Minecraft Beta is the newest version of minecraft. In order to get it, you must pay for it. You can play a free version called minecraft classic though.
No. The full version of Minecraft will come out after Beta 1.9. Most games have their alpha stages then their beta stages and then the full version comes out.
When minecraft went into beta version. In alpha the world was a set size.
When the full Minecraft game is released you will have it if you buy the beta.
They were first introduced in the 1.3 Beta Version of Minecraft.
Alpha was an earlier version on minecraft beta, it has poorer graphics, less blocks and far fewer crafting recipes.
minecraft classic and minecraft beta singeplayer, all on
21$ for beta version
No. When you have bought the beta version (the current price is €14.95), you will get the full game (which will cost €20.00) for free.
Any version after Beta 1.8.1