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ok first you need to have an old copy of emerald other wise this glitch wont work you need to have one rare candy a Pokemon and the battle frontier. first go to the battle tower then go to the PC. save your game then give a rare candy on a Pokemon put the Pokemon in your PC and then save then take the Pokemon out of your PC and talk to one of the tower ladies. she should make you save ur game when it says saving restart ur game. u should start in front of the PC. check ur PC then check ur party the Pokemon u put the rare candy on should be cloned with rare candy keep doing this until u have enough rare candies.

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Q: How do you clone rare candies in emerald?
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On Pokemon emerald, just clone 99 Pokemon holding a rare candy.

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have EMERALD en clone a Pokemon with that rare candy

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u can only if u can clone ur items or use a game shark hope this helps

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You cannot. You can do this in other games (emerald, red, blue, yellow) but not in FireRed.

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one word: cloningUse cloning to clone rare candies (clone Pokemon while it's holding a rare candy) and use them on your Pokemon.

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You cannot clone Pokemon and items on diamond and pearl and platinum, but you can in emerald!

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You can get three rare candies in Pokemon ruby sapphire and emerald

How do you clone a rare candy on Pokemon sapphire?

you cannot clone rare candies in sapphire. you can use Action replay to get more however

How do you get infinite rare candies in Pokemon Emerald?

Clone tons of tons of rare candies until your bag is full of them.then clone again.Well, this will take a lil bit but. Give two Pokemon "boy & girl" a rare candy. "one from trick master, other found in shoal cave" . Put both Pokemon in the daycare and he egg shul have 1.

In diamond is there a way you can clone rare candies?

no. Unless you have action replay.

How do you get 999 rare candies in pearl without action replay?

Clone them!