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you cannot clone rare candies in sapphire. you can use Action replay to get more however

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Q: How do you clone a rare candy on Pokemon sapphire?
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On Pokemon Emerald how do you clone 99 rare candies?

On Pokemon emerald, just clone 99 Pokemon holding a rare candy.

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have EMERALD en clone a Pokemon with that rare candy

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there is no such trick.

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equip rayquaza with rare candy

How do you get 100 rare candies on diamond?

well first u can give a rare candy to a Pokemon then clone it and a rare candy comes with the clone keep doing that till u got as much candy as u want =)

How can you get unlimited rare candy on Pokemon sapphire?

Use action replay.

Pokemon Emerald can you clone anywhere?

YEAH U CAN IT IS AT THE BATTLE TOWER=== You can even clone the Items with the Pokemon such as a Master ball, Rare candy

What is the Gameshark code for 99x rare candy in Pokemon sapphire?

Bff956fa 2f9ec50d

What is the easiest way to level up all your Pokemon to level 100 in Pokemon emerald?

one word: cloningUse cloning to clone rare candies (clone Pokemon while it's holding a rare candy) and use them on your Pokemon.

How do you get unlimited rare candy in ruby?

well you put a rare candy on a Pokemon and then go through the cloning process and it will clone the Pokemon and the item it works with masterballs to

How do you get rare candy in Pokemon Sapphire?

just look around for it in Pokemon balls you will find all around

Best way for getting lvl 100 Pokemon on emerald?

clone pokemons with rare candy's on it and u have lots of candy