first of all you can't clone in a Pokemon center. second of all you can only clone Pokemon on Pokemon Emerald in the battle tower. p.s. get a D.S. you're living in the 21st century not the 20th
with cheats you can, but only if on PC
you cannot clone rare candies in sapphire. you can use Action replay to get more however
give a Pokemon the masterball and put it in the daycare with a ditto then it will be cloned!!!!!!
On the top floor of the Pokemon center.
In Slateport City, to the left of the Pokemon center.
you can not clone in this gameyou can only clone in emerald version.No.You can, It's called birth. On 4 island, there is a daycare center. Put the Pokemon you want to "clone" with the same Pokemon of the opposite gender or a Ditto to "clone" it.
You can not
No you cannot.
You can clone items in Pokemon Ruby. You can accomplish this by attaching the item to the Pokemon you are cloning.
in Pokemon sapphire there isn't a cloning glith there is only one in Pokemon emerald
you cannot clone rare candies in sapphire. you can use Action replay to get more however
you cant clone Pokemon on sapphire ------ Or Blue. =D
Yes, only with a dito.
You can only clone Pokemon in Pokemon Emerald. Not Sapphire and Ruby. To learn how to do it, search it up for a guide.
Cloning is only possible in Emerald.
if you want a Pokemon to clone and hold an item, you will just delete your profile.;)
give a Pokemon the masterball and put it in the daycare with a ditto then it will be cloned!!!!!!
You Cannot Clone In Any Generation 3 game except in Pokemon emerald so you can't clone in Ruby Sapphire Fire Red Or Leaf Green Versions