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you can not clone in this game

you can only clone in emerald version.
You can, It's called birth. On 4 island, there is a daycare center. Put the Pokemon you want to "clone" with the same Pokemon of the opposite gender or a Ditto to "clone" it.
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āˆ™ 11y ago
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āˆ™ 14y ago

go to that old guy but u can only clone ponyta

get game shark or action replay for GBA

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āˆ™ 13y ago

put a ditto and the Pokemon u want to clone in the day care in 4 island, u cant clone legendary Pokemon.

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Q: How do you clone Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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Can you clone legendaries in Pokemon LeafGreen?

no but can in emerald!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you clone Pokemon in Pokemon leafgreen?

No, but you can breed them on island 4.

How you can clon Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you cannot clone Pokemon in firered/leafgreen. the only gba game you can nlone in is emerald.

How do you clone Items and Pokemon on Pokemon LeafGreen?

You can't clone anything unless you use a Gameshark or cheating device.

Is it possible to clone pokeomn in Pokemon LeafGreen?

i do not think so

How do you clone Pokemon on Pokemon fire red and Pokemon LeafGreen?

i am sorry to tell you that you can't you can't you have to trade them to emerald clone them in emerald and then trade them back

How do you clone masterballs on Pokemon LeafGreen?

sorry,but they fixed tht patch you cant do it anymore

How do you copy Pokemon for Pokemon planium and pearl and diamond and firered and leafgreen?

actually, you can only clone in leafgreen and firered. trade the Pokemon you want to be cloned with one that you don't care about. next at the end of the trade, right before it saves, cut it off. (i mean right before). but only cut off the one that you want to clone. tested and works.

Is there a way to clone Pokemon in Pokemon LeafGreen?

Yes, it's called breeding. On four island theres a day-care left two evolved pokemons that can have a baby pokemon.

How do you Clone your Pokemon with ditto in Pokemon LeafGreen without a gameshark?

Put Ditto and the Pokemon you want to clone (as long as it is breedable) in the day care center on Four island. You will get an egg that contains the lowest evolutionary form of the Pokemon you wanted to clone. NOTE: Sometimes this doesn't work for an unknown reaseon. But most of the time I have tried this it has been successful.

How do you clone Pokemon in LeafGreen without an game shark?

You are not able to. There is only one way, but that is only for emerald, gold and silver editions.

Can you clone pokemon on leafgreen?

Yes. Bring the Pokemon and a Ditto to the baby sitter on Island Four. It helps if the two are close to the same level. Then walk around for a while. When you go back, talk to the man out front and he should give you and egg. That egg will hatch into your Pokemon's clone.